This training was a constellation of riches.
This process helped me to stretch into my learning edge developing my practice at my pace with ease and a sense of joyful discovery that I’ve never experienced in any other learning or training environment.
This is an extraordinary course, with a first class facilitator.
Learn about Time to Think with Sophie Stephenson, you will not be disappointed, you will be inspired.
You have the most incredible approach that produces a real sense of something beautiful.
I would recommend this course with you Sophie as you are a Thinking Environment - you provide information enough to encourage thought and ease that produces safety allowing confidence in practice
This is the pinnacle of thinking independently
Sophie provides a Thinking Environment and is truly inspirational in how she accomplishes this, which in turn is magically infectious.
The deep power of true attention.
Sophie's greatest strength is that she is consistently fully present and focused on you as the client whilst you are with her. She practices what she preaches in a professional yet personable way.
This course will challenge and change you, in a good way.
This course has significantly enhanced my understanding of Thinking partnerships.
It was a real gift to spend 3 days on the Thinking Partnership course with Sophie.
Being immersed for 3 days allowed myself to experience my own independent thinking, it blew my mind to witness how my brain unravelled and solved my own challenges. Thank you Sophie for the incredible experience, i would highly recommend this course to anyone who is curious about the power of independent thinking.
This course is a beautiful way to reset and reimagine yourself.
This course is a beautiful way to reset and reimagine yourself. The whole environment made for a wonderful feeling of being gently ‘held’ and guided through the three days. Sophie trusts in you, and your fellow thinkers, unreservedly.
The three days were a lovely respite from a busy life and a time to relax and be at peace
I cherished the opportunity to learn in the presence of lovely people with the same curiosity about the Thinking Environment in a comfortable setting that contributed to the learning.
I learned so much and gained confidence that I can successfully coach others to think for themselves
The course has made me feel confident in my abilities and given me a way to truly help those I coach by enabling them to do their best thinking.
A completely stimulating learning experience.
I would strongly recommend this course, because of the way Sophie embodies the 10 components; because of Sophie's generosity with her time, knowledge, experience, resources.... and because I found it a completely stimulating learning experience.
Sophie's a great role model & if you are considering doing one of her courses, I'd highly recommend it
The courses enabled me to fully experience a 'thinking environment' and therefore appreciate how powerful having quality time to think really is.
I have gained the tools and confidence to think for myself.
I would definitely recommend the course - it’s the start of a journey of exploration for yourself and transformation and the power of the Thinking Environment.
I feel so grateful our paths have crossed.
Thank you SO much Sophie, I can honestly say this course had been life changing.
The course made me think about the power of listening
Try it and be prepared to be touched by the power of its simplicity.
I loved the pace and the space...
I think what makes Sophie’s teaching space different from most shared learning spaces I've experienced is that she invites more of me in, there is space to inhabit and contribute (this is different from participating) - there is more value and I feel valued (even in my quiet space).