It was a real gift to spend 3 days on the Thinking Partnership course with Sophie.

The course has helped me as it 1) It gave me time and space to think independently and deeply 2) it allowed me to experience being a thinking partner and witnessing someone coming to their own solutions in their own time/way3) it made me consider the 10 components in a deeper way and where these are present or absent in my own life.

The best things about the course were Katie dog! and seeing the 10 components in action, witnessing how it sets up the environment for independent deep thinking. Really feeling the sense of safety, non judgement and that my thoughts matter.

It was a real gift to spend 3 days on the Thinking Partnership course with Sophie.

Witnessing the 10 components in action really highlighted to me how powerful thinking environments are. Being immersed for 3 days allowed myself to experience my own independent thinking, it blew my mind to witness how my brain unravelled and solved my own challenges. Thank you Sophie for the incredible experience, i would highly recommend this course to anyone who is curious about the power of independent thinking.

Thank you Sophie for modelling the 10 components in all area of the 3 days. it was a joy.

I’d recommend it 10/10.


It’s a life-enhancing experience


This course is a beautiful way to reset and reimagine yourself.