Sophie's a great role model & if you are considering doing one of her courses, I'd highly recommend it

Doing both the thinking partnership and the coaching course with Sophie has honestly been life changing for me.

Right from the start Sophie made me feel that I didn't need to be anything else but myself and I still hear her voice in my head saying, 'however you are right now is perfect'.

This gave me the freedom to think and to delve deeper into issues that I'd been putting off thinking about for years.

The courses enabled me to fully experience a 'thinking environment' and therefore appreciate how powerful having quality time to think really is.

In some of my thinking sessions with Sophie, I remember having life changing moments where the removal of a limiting assumption enabled me to move past something that had been holding me back for years.

I just knew I wanted to be able to give this kind of quality thinking time to others, especially busy parents like myself, and I have loved every minute of it.

I resonated with Sophie's attention to detail and her passion for thinking and learning. She's a great role model and if you are considering doing one of her courses, I'd highly recommend it


A completely stimulating learning experience.


I have gained the tools and confidence to think for myself.