The three days were a lovely respite from a busy life and a time to relax and be at peace
I cherished the opportunity to learn in the presence of lovely people with the same curiosity about the Thinking Environment in a comfortable setting that contributed to the learning.
It is rare to have the time, space and ease that Sophie can provide.
I would 100% recommend the course - find a way and a means to attend the in-person course with Sophie in Edale 10/10.
This is among the most transformative learning experiences I have had in my career.
This is among the most transformative learning experiences I have had in my career. It is relevant for everyone as it speaks to the heart of relationships, interactions, teams and 'being'.
You'll never look back from attending this course with Sophie.
I wish I could put into words what a huge impact the Thinking Environment and your skilled delivery of its tools has done for my professional practice!
This has been some of the most professionally important and lasting learning I have undertaken.
I highly recommend this training
The course helped me to trust my instincts even more
Even the most experienced educators and facilitators will take away something tangible to put straight into practice.
It will exceed expectations!
There are so many things that I enjoyed, the content was perfect, the great group and the chance to connect and a perfect venue. To anyone thinking of attending I say that the course will exceed your expectations.
10/10 What you bring is a gift
I’d say to anyone thinking of attending to just give yourself the space to ‘show up’ and get the full benefit.
10/10 Come with an open, curious mind
It’s been so helpful both professionally and personally. I can’t say thank you enough.
10/10 - Do it now!
One of the best things about the course is Sophie and her ability to create such a warm, safe and peaceful learning space. The course is magic, do it now!
Extremely insightful & practical
I would highly recommend the course, I believe it has significantly stretched my facilitation skills and given me insight and practical steps on how to enable groups to think well together.
The course helped me to trust my instincts even more
The course helped me to trust my instincts even more and to create an unhurried, respectful atmosphere even quicker and more purposefully than I was able to do in the past.