I loved the pace and the space...

The training filled in some gaps in my understanding of the Thinking Partnership that I didn't know were there.

It deepened my belief in the beauty, the grace and the power of this practice. I could feel aspects of deepening understanding filtering through, I can only explain it as a 'thickening'. It has taken on a depth and weight of understanding that has not only confirmed my appreciation but also locked in my experiential (embodied and intuitive) understanding of this practice. It is courageous and generous, dipped in simplicity and robust equality.

I loved the pace, the space. The precision and explicit clarity around timing, investigations, partnership testing, etc. was all wrapped in warmth and generosity, the real human-ness of being.

I really appreciated the gentleness of this learning space; keeping the group small and intimate, removing any expectations to perform or participate in any specific way - it embodied and welcomed diversity of needs. I treasured this.

I think what makes Sophie’s teaching space different from most shared learning spaces I've experienced is that she invites more of me in, there is space to inhabit and contribute (this is different from participating) - there is more value and I feel valued (even in my quiet space).

She brings a wonderful constellation of gentleness, precision, ease, wisdom, insight and generosity that is more at the 'human being to human being connecting' end of the spectrum as opposed to skills and tools that are geared for business, organisations and leadership. Care and connection is reflected in your language too.

I would like to thank you for the learning space you create, it is wise and embodied, distinct and boundaried, heart-full and robust, deep and generously wide.


The course made me think about the power of listening


The course has helped me to think for myself and to trust my own thinking,