The deep power of true attention.

I would thoroughly recommend both the Thinking Partners course and Sophie as a facilitator.

A few weeks on from the training, I still feel I am living and breathing my reflections and learning, and this is rare for a lot of training.

Not all of the training was comfortable, largely because it challenges deeply ingrained habits. Equally, the training requires ongoing reflection and growth - so not suitable if you are a person looking for a quick fix. 

True attention is seriously lacking in our world, and the more people who can learn to be still and attentive to one another, the richer relationships will be.

The course has helped me deepen my appreciation for the deep power of true attention.

Sophie's greatest strength is that she is consistently fully present and focused on you as the client whilst you are with her. She practices what she preaches in a professional yet personable way.

The location of our training in the heart of the Peak District played a huge role in both the feel and the impact of the course; the physical space and place help[ed me to slow down and be more present. 

Outside of the formal training, Sophie remains approachable and helpful.

Highly recommended.


This is the pinnacle of thinking independently


This course will challenge and change you, in a good way.