The genius of the London Tube Map

How do you take something that is incredibly complicated and make it simple? 

Simple to use? Simple to understand? Simple to recognise?

This short video (3.08) is worth watching for it's own sake but it has really captured my imagination from a Thinking Environment perspective. 

In a Thinking Environment we help people think for themselves. 

To think clearly, creatively and without fear. To make connections. To identify what's most important. To solve problems or resolve conflict. In short, we create the conditions for people to think about whatever they most want and need to.

The way we think (neurologically) is incredibly complicated yet it results in simplicity, clarity and peace. 

The Thinking Environment makes the complex act of thinking simple. Not easy. But simple.

It starts with one person who's willing to think. And for someone to ask them the most wonderfully uncomplicated, beautifully simple question:

'What do you want to think about, and what are your thoughts?'


...and then we get to marvel at the complexity of someone else's thinking....genius indeed. 


7 simple rules to help any group thrive


Why being at ease isn't always easy...