7 simple rules to help any group thrive
I've been thinking about the environments we create at work and home. In particular about how at their best they can support people to thrive. By thrive I mean places where people feel safe enough to be themselves, to have conversations that matter, to make mistakes, to learn, grow, and to find fulfilment and happiness.
In short, a place where people know they matter.
As they are. For who they are.
I've carried with me a small piece of paper I ripped out of a newspaper over 20 years ago. On it are 7 'rules' a group of children decided they wanted to have in place in their classroom.
Any organisation or indeed family wanting to create an environment where people are able to thrive would do well to start here.
So very simple and yet so far from what most people experience on a day to day basis.
I shared this with my newsletter subscribers last week and I got a few questions from people about what I think stops us from doing these things. This was my response:
I'd love to know what you think gets in the way and if you could choose just one of these to bring into your life, your work and your relationships which would it be?