This is Your Time to Think - Tristan Pringle

I promise

I won't interrupt

As the storm rages on

Winter winds blow

As we go to the far-flung hemispheres of your mind

This is a voyage

A journey inward

Though the waterfalls of thought cascade one upon the


And we flick between them like we used to find a TV


And when the flood of tears

Or surge of heat to your cheeks

Or the stone-cold stunness

Of a realisation, or nostalgia, or a new thought.


Still, you can go on

And when you think all is said

A gentle offering

“What more do you think, or feel, or want to say?”

A rumbling forward march of all that lay hidden

Behind masks and make beliefs

And things you were told.

You unravel

In a beautiful moment

Of sheer brutal honest aliveness

You are seen

You are heard

You are held

This is your time to think.

Shared by Maryse Barak


Entering the Kingdom by Mary Oliver