When will you know you have enough?
When will you know when you have enough?
This was the theme of a workshop I ran a few weeks ago based on the work of my colleague and friend in the US, Sara Hart.
You can read more about Sara here but in essence the 'Sign of Enough' will be different for each of us but it's that moment when you say 'okay, thats enough' and you take some kind of action for change.
10 years ago I was living and working in Australia. I was earning really good money, I had more than I needed and yet I had a growing sense of unease. Something wasn't quite right. I was financially well off but I wasn't particularly happy or healthy.
Up until that point earning money and having financial independence had been my primary motivation. If you'd asked me what my top 3 priorities were I'd have said 'security, security, security'.
That was it.
I thought having financial security was the precondition to me living a happy life.
But it wasn't working.
I remember asking myself, 'when will I know I have enough money so it no longer drives my behaviour and decisions?'
I chose a completely random (and I thought unrealistic number) and said to myself, once I have that amount in the bank I'm going to stop basing my decisions on a need for security and live more for what I love.
As she does, the universe laughed and through 5 or 6 unconnected and entirely unpredictable events, I found myself in possession of the money within a matter of months.
I knew I had a choice, to carry on as I was, or to start living from a place of love, and joy rather than fear.
I chose enough.
I chose to stop working in a job I loved but which was burning me out.
I chose to focus on my health and happiness.
I chose to be honest with myself about wanting to be in a loving, long term relationship.
I chose to leave Australia, my home for the last 10 years and where I'd done most of my growing up.
I chose the route of enough.
At some point each of us gets these signs, we reach a crossroads and we get to decide if we're going to carry on as we are or chose to do something differently.
The key is to look out for the signs as sometimes they can be easy to miss (at first) or we might not want or be ready to see them when they appear.
“There’s no such thing as getting to enough and staying there. It’s a balance and we need to keep paying attention”
For any area that feels relevant gently ask yourself:
"How will I know when I have enough (time, money, love, happiness, success...) ?' and give yourself some space and time to think.
Then ask yourself:
'and what will I do now'? and see what emerges.
I'll leave you with a couple of the beautiful incisive questions that Sara provides in her lovely pack of cards:
'If you knew that there isn't a specific step by step plan for your life, you get to choose it, and it's never too late, what would you begin choosing?'
'If you knew you already have everything you really need, what would change for you?'
So, a wonder whether you've seen your sign yet?
Please drop me a line and let me know.