What do you really want?

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What do you want?

It's a simple question isn't it?

But simple is rarely easy.  

Working out what we want can sometimes feel like really hard work. 

Letting ourselves want it, can feel even harder. 

Yet the quality of our lives depends on us being willing to ask and answer this question again and again and again. 

What do you really want?

Deep down, there's a part of you that knows the answer to that question.

An inner knowing you can sense, even if you can't explain.

It's a feeling. An awareness. A rightness. 

That's the voice I want to encourage you to start making more time and space for. 

It's a voice which communicates with wisdom, ease, love, kindness and clarity.  

So, before you say yes to one more thing, take a moment, close your eyes, take a deep breath and then ask yourself...

What do I want?

Do I want to say yes?

Do I want to do this more than the other things I'm giving my energy to?

Is this where I want to spend my precious time?

In my heart what would I choose?

Practice asking yourself, even when you're scared to hear the answer. 

Practice asking yourself, especially if you're scared to hear the answer.

Choice is not something someone else can either give or take from you.

Choice is yours.  

Whether or not you make it yours is a life's work. 

And choice starts with us knowing what it is we really want. 


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