This is the pinnacle of thinking independently

The course gave me the space to think how do I want to teach the Thinking Partnership course and provided me with the opportunity to cover any gaps in my knowledge. It also helped me to further uncover assumptions and to be one step further to accomplishing an outcome that I set myself 4 years ago.

Iā€™d recommend the course 10/10 - the best thing really was the being of a thinking environment, in every sense.

This is the pinnacle of thinking independently and the course is facilitated to support you to accomplish what you set out to achieve.

Sophie provides a Thinking Environment and is truly inspirational in how she accomplishes this, which in turn is magically infectious.

Thank you for supporting my journey to be a Thinking Environment. I have learned so much and surprisingly excited as my learning journey has a lot more ahead of it. I am easeful at the prospect of this.