Experiencing and learning the Thinking Environment® from Sophie is a privilege. She embodies the Ten Components as a professional and as a person. She also sustains both expertise and exploration, a rare and essential quality in this work.
— Nancy Kline, Time to Think

Here's where it all began...

I was living the life I’d always wanted. I had a well-paid dream job in Australia, lived in a beautiful place and felt secure in the knowledge that this could go on, indefinitely. But I was, I realised, unfulfilled. I was not, it turned out, truly happy with this life at all. 

By chance, I came across a reference to Nancy Kline’s book Time to Think. She described a way of being with one another that is both incredibly simple and incredibly rare. We don’t give ourselves, or others, the freedom to think without interruption, judgment, time limits, or an obsession with outcomes. We limit our thinking, our conversations, our relationships and our entire lives by confining our minds. 

I began to question the life I had chosen.

I began to ask myself about what I really wanted, to explore the ‘authentic’ me, my instinctive mind, and gradually, I began to reclaim what really mattered.

I left corporate life. I moved back to the UK. I met the man who is now my husband and father to my two children.

Qualifying as a Time to Think practitioner in 2006, I am one of only 15 practitioners in the world accredited to qualify others in the Thinking Environment I have now trained hundreds of people to go through what I did, to change their lives and to pass it on to hundreds more. Now more than ever I believe in the power of the thinking environment to reveal the truth to us and to lead us to a life that edifies and fulfils us.  

My Core Gift is helping others to see how beautifully simple life can be.

I give it by helping people know they are already enough, and giving them the time and space to start trusting that this is true - Sophie.


I believe our future depends on a new way of being.

This new way of being can only emerge from changing thinking.

Change in our world – our worlds and the one we share – depends on it.

When we change our way of thinking, we can transform the quality of our thoughts.

We free ourselves from the untrue assumptions that hold us back.

In turn, we cultivate more kindness, wisdom, compassion and inner peace.

Imagine where that might take us. We could lead and live from a place of love, not fear. We could better care for ourselves, each other, and our world.

The Thinking Environment enables people at every age and stage to create a more peaceful and loving world.

Our families, schools, communities and planet need us to reclaim our time, attention, and power, free from limiting assumptions, to transform our thinking and help change our world without burning ourselves out.

We cannot change the world if we are not capable of changing our way of thinking, only through collectively changing our way of thinking will we change our world.
— Thich Naht Hahn.