You'll never look back from attending this course with Sophie.

I would describe myself as a fairly good facilitator before I attended this course. However I probably managed groups and meetings in more a controlled, fixed manner rather than relaxing into the role.

The greatest learning I took away from the course was to bring ease into my facilitation and trust that by 'being' the thinking environment people would understand the difference it can make. I didn't need to convince them with words or seamless facilitation!

It was a real treat to come to the course in one of the most beautiful places in the world that is Edale. The second best thing about the course was being given the time to think deeply about the components and tools of the thinking environment.

You'll never look back from attending this course with Sophie. Gorgeous surroundings, inspiring teaching and an experience that stays with you in every meeting you sit in thereafter!

I wish I could put into words what a huge impact the Thinking Environment and your skilled delivery of its tools has done for my professional practice!